Women’s Social Climb £0

These group social evening sessions are run by women for women.

Your nationally qualified climbing coach will help the whole group by giving handy hints and tips to make the most of your climbing session. She will also give you pointers on where to climb and what to work on, all with a women's specific focus. These sessions are also a great way to meet fellow climbers who have a similar level of experience.

These group sessions have a max ratio of 1 coach to 8 customers, first 6 spaces can be booked online and last 2 are left for drop in participants at the wall. If you want a higher level of coaching then why not book a Bouldering Improvers course or hire a coach just for you by calling us on 020 89800289.

To reserve your place select a date from the list and book online.

Please note: The social session is free of charge but normal wall admission still applies. This means you can stay for the entire evening, not just for the coached session.

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