news & events

Published in Blog - News on 21st August 2014

Development in the Secret Garden.

UPDATE 21.9.14: Manufacturers were unable to deliver all the components this month so the construction work has been pushed back slightly. We decided that, rather than have it standing around half built teasing people, the build will all happen during the last three weeks of October. The new surface will open on Saturday 1st November.

*  *  *

Starting next week on the 26th August we’re going to make some exciting changes to the climbing surfaces in the Secret Garden.

The remaining traverse wall will be removed and new climbing surface mounted to make better use of the space. Drawings of the design will appear on the main notice board soon.

The work will happen in two phases; one week in August and two weeks in the middle of September. During this time we will keep disruption to a minimum and will aim to keep the Garden Bloc and Slab open during the build.

Details of disruption and any closures will be published on our website and posted on Facebook.

The Secret Garden is about to get even better and we hope you’ll enjoy it!

The new Bloc in the Secret Garden, area to be developed in the background.