Once a young person reaches 14 years old they can potentially become unsupervised users of Mile End Climbing Wall. This means that they will be able to turn up and climb at any time without the need for adult supervision.
There are two types of unsupervised juniors here at Mile End Climbing Wall:
Junior Competent Climbers - experienced junior climbers can register as full users of the centre: follow this link. These young people can climb with ropes and boulder in the centre. Before registration is granted, the young person's skills will be assessed by a short test*. Prospective junior competent climbers will be required to demonstrate that they can:
*Please Note: You must contact the centre before turning up for a test. If you turn up without contacting us first we cannot guarantee that an instructor will be available for the test and you may be refused entry.
Please Note: Each young person MUST have a consent formed signed by their LEGAL parent or guardian (not a nanny, child minder, friends etc.) Young people without this consent will not be allowed to climb.
Junior Competent Boulderer - to become a junior competent boulderer each young person must have attended one of our Introduction to Bouldering courses. It is not possible for a junior to become an independent junior competent boulderer without having done this course first.